Sunday, April 4, 2010

What a crazy first month back!
I've had 5 primaries deliver so far- my three march clients AND two of my aprils. I've also attended TEN, count em', TEN, backup deliveries! This is great though- when I do eventually receive a paycheck, i'll be able to throw the money in all necessary directions (savings, RRSP, RESP, wedding, OSAP, parental debt, car payments and insurance, mortgage). Its funny... if i'm given just a little bit of responsibility, i'm totally unproductive; if responsibility is piled on, everything gets done!
I've also dealt with all different case scenarios with clients this month... cleft lip & palate, methadone addiction and extreme anxiety, to name a few. Unfortunately, we also had a poor outcome with one of our babies... I wish those parents nothing but healing.
It's been a lot easier than I expected being back at work- other than the extreme mommy guilt. I feel like my poor milo sees the back of me running out the door more than me sitting down to spend time with him. He ate his first "food" the other day- baby rice cereal!!
GTG, babers is awake